Dental Cap/Crown & Bridge Treatment, Front & Back Teeth, after RCT, Types|| दाँत की टोपी in Hindi
November 13, 2021
Is cap necessary after RCT? || Root Canal Tooth Cap/Crown fitting || RCT के बाद कैप क्यों ज़रूरी है?
November 13, 2021- Cap Fixing Procedure
- Cap Fixing Steps
- Ceramic Cap Fitting
- Cosmetic Dentistry
- Crown Fitting Process
- Dental Care
- Dental Crown Installation
- Dental Crown Materials
- Dental Crown Techniques
- Dental Procedures
- Dental Restoration
- Dental Zirconia Cap
- Emax Ceramic Cap
- Emax Ceramic Cap Placement
- Restorative Dentistry
- Tooth Cap Installation
- Tooth Cap Placement
- Tooth Cap Procedure
- Tooth Cap Process
- Zirconia Crown Benefits
- Zirconia Crown Steps
Dental Zirconia Emax Ceramic Cap Fixing - Step By Step procedure
Dental Zirconia Emax Ceramic Cap Fixing - Step By Step procedure
You all have must heard about dental cap or crown and its very common process that all dentists do. It is possible that your dentist may advise you to get cap or crown on your tooth after RCT, or when you have cavity or when your tooth is about to break.
Today we’ll take about how dental caps are made and what all procedure is done in the tooth to make dental cap procedure successful for the patient. Once a lady came to the dental hospital and showed that her front tooth was becoming black, after checking her front tooth doctors caught cavity from both the side of her front tooth also behind the tooth and the size of the cavity has also grown. 2 years ago this lady got composite filling which has already faded or has got discoloured and now she expecting a permanent solution to it so that this problem doesn’t happen to her again in future. The doctors then decided to put Emax cap on it which will be long lasting.

Step by step applying of Emax cap:-
Before applying any dental cap the first step is reducing the tooth structure from all the sides . Doctors first start to reduce the tooth structure to give it a shape so that the cap fits nicely and is good in appearance and also looks 100% natural. And when the doctors reduce the tooth structure by slightly grinding the tooth, they take care that the tooth doesn’t get weak or sensitive or does not have any other long lasting problems. But if the tooth is not RC treated before then the patient might feel pain in tooth while grinding and to get rid of this pain doctors give Anesthesia locally in the required tooth site.
Tooth preperation takes 15-20 mins and when crown cutting is finalized, doctors check the tooth if the tooth preperation is properly done and when they are satisfied about it, they take measurements of the tooth which is called impression and it can be taken using different methods. One of the equipment doctors use is a rubber type material inside the mouth around the tooth to take the measurements of the tooth. After taking the measurements, doctors make a model out of it which is an exact copy of the patients teeth and is then sent to lab and there the crown/cap is made according to the measurements taken before.
Now lets talk about its colour like how will the lab worker identify the exact colour of the patients teeth, for this doctors take few photographs of the tooth and provide it to the lab worker so that it becomes easy for him to create the exact colour. Any lab will take 3-4 days to make the dental crown, to fabricate it. Till then doctors place a temporary crown on it because its the front teeth of the patient and if RCT has also not been done, it will make the patient uncomfortable and awkward that their tooth has been grinded and is left in between. So that’s why doctors always keep an artificial crown for this situation, also it gives confidence to the patient. But if RCT is already been done then possibility is that the doctor might not give an artificial crown to the patient. To make this artificial crown it takes 30 mins for the doctors.
Now after 3-4 days when caps get ready and comes from the lab, the first thing for doctors is to remove the artificial cap and put the real one, and check the fitting of it (the cap), also to check the colour of it if its matching to the other tooth. If the cap doesn’t fits properly then doctors make some corrections, fill the gaps and then put the dental cement in the cap and fix it on the tooth and finally cleans the extra dental cement. At last the patient becomes happy seeing his/hers final look as one cannot identify which one is dental cap or which one is the real tooth.
So this was the procedure of making dental cap also whatever cap one prefers the procedure remains same.
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