Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment(RCT)

Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment

Benefits of single sitting root canal treatment (RCT)

Nowadays everyone is very familiar with the word Root canal treatment which is also called RCT. When someone listened that they required a Root canal treatment the first thinking that will come to mind is that, a various long sitting appointment with lots of pain but With the newer technologies in Ganpati Dental Clinic multiple visits into a single sitting root canal.

Single-sitting RCT has gained acceptance due to short appointments and the success rate is very good. The success of RCT depends on proper cleaning and shaping of a root canal, disinfection, and fillings of the canal system. Not all cases are suitable for the single sitting root canal, it depends on the case. According to dentistry.

Advantages of single sitting RCT:

  • Most importantly saves multiple visits.
  • One-time medicine course.
  • One-time anesthesia.
  • Fast relief.

So no worries for long hectic appointments for root canal treatment to save your teeth. Visit Ganpati Dental Clinic today to know more about single sitting RCT in Shalimar Bagh and Rohini Delhi

Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment(RCT)@ Rs3000

Single Vs Multiple Sitting Root Canal treatment (RCT)

There is usually 1-2 weeks between each visit. The first 2 visits involve cleaning the infected pulp out of the tooth and root spaces or canals. This usually leads to an alleviation of pain and swelling. The 3rd visit is where the root spaces are filled and sealed to prevent the re-entry of bacteria.

The success rate and prevalence of postoperative pain of single-visit or multiple-visit treatment had no significant difference. The chairside time for single-visit treatment was shorter than multiple-visit treatment.

It’s just that you need to know is it depends upon the condition of your tooth. But if there is infection then multiple sittings are required along with intake of antibiotics. Your dentist will advise you on the matter as required.

When Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment (RCT) is done?(Indication)

Root canal treatment is done to save the tooth.

A tooth has Three Layers Enamel, Dentine, and Pulp…

Till the caries is in Enamel or Enamel +Dentine.The tooth can be saved with Restoration (Filling).

If caries reach the Pulp, and if the infection is more then the tooth is allowed to heal before completing the treatment and the infection is not much then a root canal treatment can opt for. In Root Canal, we remove the various tooth portion from enamel and Dentine and removes the whole pulp( living tissue) of the tooth.

Clean the canal in one section and fill it with restorable material.

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Frequently asked questions

A single-sitting root canal, as the name suggests, is a procedure that eliminates the need for multiple visits to complete the root canal process. Instead, the entire procedure is accomplished in a single appointment, streamlining the treatment and saving patients time and hassle.

The advantages of single-sitting root canals extend beyond convenience. They offer several significant benefits, including:

  1. Reduced Discomfort: Patients experience anesthesia only once, minimizing the unpleasantness associated with multiple injections.

  2. Lower Infection Risk: The shorter procedure duration reduces the likelihood of bacteria entering the tooth between appointments, lowering the risk of reinfection.

  3. Cost-Effectiveness: The single-sitting approach often proves to be cost-effective compared to multiple-visit root canals.

Single-sitting root canals boast a high success rate, with studies indicating a success rate exceeding 90%. This efficacy is comparable to that of multiple-visit root canals.

The cost of a single-sitting root canal can vary based on several factors, including the complexity of the procedure, the tooth involved, and the location of the dental clinic. In Ganpati Dental Clinic, the starting cost for a single-sitting root canal is 3000 rupees. It’s important to note that this is a general estimate, and the actual cost may vary based on the specific circumstances of your case.

Single-sitting root canals are commonly offered by many dentists. To determine if your dentist provides this procedure, simply inquire during your next visit. Alternatively, you can explore online resources to find a dentist in your vicinity who specializes in single-sitting root canals. Ganpati Dental Clinic, for instance, is known to offer this service, and you can schedule an appointment by calling +91 9899117639.

Single sitting Root canal treatment(RCT) experience