How To Eat With Braces - Tips & Advice

How To Eat With Braces -Tips & Advice Tips & Advice

congratulations your braces are in place you’re on your way to straighter teeth and a healthier bite. When hunger strikes you may wonder what you can eat. Don’t worry eating with braces does not require that you change your eating habits drastically.

Following these eating tips will help with the effectiveness of your orthodontic treatment.

Tip number one start with soft foods when your braces are first put on your teeth you may feel sore within a few hours this is normal it means your braces are working. Make sure to eat soft foods like fruit smoothies pasta mashed potatoes and rice.

Tip number two cut your food up a knife and fork are going to be your best friends from now on as it’s important to cut all of your food up into small pieces.

Tip number three avoid biting into food with your front teeth like apple sandwiches hamburgers and corn on the cob instead cut it up to chew using your back teeth as they have a larger bite surface.

Tip number four avoid hard food steamed hard vegetables like carrots watch out for croutons and bacon bits and salads and cut corn off the cob avoid beef jerky popcorn and hard candy and avoid chewing on non-food items like ice pencils and pens.

Tip number five avoid sticky food don’t chew bubblegum toffee and caramel.

Tip number six make sure to brush your teeth after you eat anything sugary. If you don’t have a toothbrush handy swish water in your mouth to help get rid of some of the sugar and make sure to brush as soon as you can remember drinks like juice and pop even milk all have sugar.

Now you understand that having braces does not require you to change your eating habits too drastically.

If you want to learn clinical skills then please visit GDS Dental